Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

Priority area: Green Transition

As recognised in the IPCC AR6 report, Africa and Europe are highly vulnerable to climate variability and change, with consequences for heat-related morbidity and mortality, biodiversity loss, reduced food production, and water scarcity. To reduce risks associated with climate change and to safeguard economic development, transdisciplinary research and adaptation measures based on nature-based solutions are urgently needed.

Here, through the Africa-Europe Cluster of Research Excellence (CoRE) on Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, we propose to build a multi- and transdisciplinary research capacity and network between European and African academic and research institutions with the following long-term ambitious objectives: (1) to establish a climate service hub for Africa, (2) to develop a NbS innovation hub, (3) to implement innovative NbS adaptation and mitigation measures, and (4) to establish a training infrastructure promoting the creation of doctoral networks and educational activities to promote cultural and educational exchanges between European and African universities. 


Click the names of the Co-Leads to access their emails.


The Guild

University of Cape Town, South Africa

Stellenbosch University, South Africa

University of Bologna, Italy

Professor Mark New,  Co-director, ARUA Centre of Excellence for Climate and Development Professor, Department of Environmental and Geographical Science Senior Research Fellow, African Climate and Development Initiative

Dr Petra Holden, Researcher at the African Climate and Development Initiative

Professor Guy Midgley, et al. - Director, School for Climate Studies

Professor Silvana Di Sabatino, et al. - PhD Coordinator “Future Earth, Climate Change and Societal Challenges”; Atmospheric Physics Research Group Coordinator